Brent Csutoras posted today commenting on being a social media scorpio based on Helen Overland's post at Search Engine People about the Zodiac sings of celeb SEO's.
Helen's post is a lot of fun!
I'm not a celeb by any means, but it's fun to think about your sign and your profession.
I'm not sure that my Gemini description actually matches my full profile, though I'm definitely a "born communicator".
Gemini (SEO)
Born communicators and great PPC managers, Geminis delight in discovering new ways to optimize your campaign. Known for being well organized, their complicated and color-coded spreadsheets can make sense of any logical challenge. These smart people can easily identify ways to spend less money and make more profit. Just remind them that they have to make the changes to the account.
...but I'm honored to share a Zodiac sign with with these three industry celebs:
Industry Celebs:
Kim Krause Berg
Rae Hoffman
Shana Albert
I actually feel I'm more of Pisces SEO with the celebrity likes of:
Bill Slawski
Charlene Li
Dave Harry
Eric Lander
...nonetheless, I LOVE that my birthday is in May; the weather in NY is always good!!
What's your sign and where do you fall on the SEO Zodiac?